Previous Standing Orders



This document is now superseded

1. Agreed 17-03-2006.

2. Removing Membership

3. Either Representative may remove membership from someone who is not following Aurora’s Aims and Values. This may be indefinite or temporary e.g. for the duration of a meeting. Their membership is withdrawn subject to the approval of a main Aurora meeting at the earliest opportunity. Removing membership does not necessarily deny use of e-mail lists.

4. Invited members (Procedures 4.c) will cease to be members if the invitation to them or to their organisation is withdrawn.

5. Chair

6. The Procedures provide that the Chair of a main meeting is held by the community Representative and the police Representative at alternate meetings.

7. The police Representative may need to speak (e.g.) on behalf of the police or on their own behalf. Similarly the community representative may need to speak (e.g.) on behalf of the community or on their own behalf. In either case, if that Representative has been in the Chair, the other Representative automatically takes the Chair while the first is speaking.

8. At the end of an item on the agenda, it will be acceptable, at the discretion of the Chair, for the Representative who is not in the chair to sum up the resolutions and actions that have been agreed.

9. When it is necessary to put a motion to a vote, the Representative who is in the chair will not vote. If a casting vote is needed, the Representative who is in the Chair will have the casting vote, except in elections.

10. The Annual General Meeting

11. Standing orders that affect election of officers may not be changed in the period starting two meetings before an AGM, and until the election is complete.

12. Those responsible for administration will use the mailing lists and website to request nominations two meetings before the AGM. The period for nominations will close at the end of the meeting before the AGM. The administrators will see that nominations for community officers are recorded at the meeting before an AGM, and will publish nominations promptly through the mailing lists and the website. Community officers will be elected, by community Members only, at the AGM. If only one person is nominated for a post they become elected and will take up their post at the AGM. If the vote results in a tie, the Police Representative will draw lots to break the tie.

13. If an elected post becomes vacant, the Community Representative will decide how to deal with the post, in consultation with members.

14. No community officer should hold the same post for more than three years nor remain an officer for more than five years continuously.

15. Officers and Working Parties may submit reports to the AGM and answer questions at the discretion of the Chair, in consultation with members.

16. Aurora meetings

17. Each meeting will decide the date and place of the next meeting and will propose the date of the following meeting. The times and dates will be published promptly on the website and via e-groups.

18. Meetings must be held in local, accessible venues.

19. When the provisions of the Procedures have been followed, if the appropriate Representative cannot chair the meeting, then the alternate Representative will take the chair. If no Representative is available then the meeting will elect a chair.

20. Working Parties (WPs)

21. At 29-03-06 the WPs are: the Transgender WP, Publicity WP, Procedures WP and the Use of the Internet WP.

22. The website and e-mail lists are subject to the Use of the Internet Working Party. The Moderator(s) of the e-list will take reasonable precautions to see that its members are eligible to take part in Aurora. The identity of a member of the e-mailing list will be open to other members only if the respective member has agreed to this.

23. Administrators

24. The community Representative and police Representative delegate their respective administrative tasks to the community or police “Administrator”.

25. The community Administrator will maintain a private list of attendees at main meetings for the purpose of validating their membership of postal mailing lists.

26. If an Administrator is absent from a main meeting, the respective Representative will decide how to proceed.

27. The Community Administrator will circulate minutes, agendas and other relevant documents well before meetings, via Aurora’s e-list, and, if necessary, by post. The police may administer a similar system to those who request it.

28. A member may be removed from postal mailing lists if they have not attended meetings or taken part in Aurora for six successive main meetings. In exceptional circumstances the Community Representative may override this rule.

Items 13 and 14 were amended on the 11-09-2006
Item 10 was deleted on the 12-07-2007


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